This is a general schedule that is subject to change*

This schedule is subject to change *

we’ll start the conference with laying out before the Lord all we get to hand over to Him. All we no longer have to carry. All the prayers we’ve been praying for years. All the areas that seem/feel hopeless in our lives. All our burdens, dreams, worries, desires, plans etc. and lay them at His feet.

On day 2, we will focus on listening to God. Listening to His Word through Biblical preaching, listening to His heart through prayer, listening to His voice through scripture-based meditations, listening to different tongues and tribes worshipping Him, and listening to the Holy Spirit as He speaks through the presence and spiritual gifts of other sisters in the room.

And then on day 3, we shall sow what God has spoken to us by taking action and planting seeds. Maybe the action will be repentance or forgiveness or boldness or obedience or discipleship or submission or a yes or a no - whatever it is, shall it be glory to His name and aligned to His will. This day will also include sisterhood reflection time and an intentional period to sow into other image-bearers by serving them through local justice work.